J. Warner Wallace: Cold-Case Christianity

J. Warner Wallace is a cold-case homicide detective, popular national speaker and best-selling author. He continues to consult on cold-case investigations while serving as a Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He is also an adjunct professor of apologetics at Biola University and a faculty member at Summit Ministries.

J. Warner was a conscientious and vocal atheist until the age of thirty-five, when he took a serious and expansive look at the evidence for the Christian Worldview and determined that Christianity was demonstrably true. After becoming a Christ follower in 1996, Jim continued to take an evidential approach to truth as he examined the Christian worldview. He eventually earned a Master’s Degree in Theological Studies from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.

Join Jim and I as we discuss bringing the Truth to Light for all Modern Christian Men.

Show Mentions:

Cold Case Christianity on the Web

CCC Podcast

CCC App – a treasure trove!




Rob G. Adams: Win From Within

Rob G. Adams, is an author, speaker and coach with a deep passion for personal and spiritual growth. He has a unique story and has turned his pain into purpose in order to inspire others.  

Born and raised in Brandon, Florida, “Rob” as family and friends affectionately call him, would later move to Northern Virginia for a period of time where he attended high school and college.  

During his youth and into his adult life, he developed a love for sports and athleticism particularly in the areas of basketball and baseball. His mother played a vital role in Rob’s development and encouraged him to stay focused and to keep God first. Rob was raised in a single parent home and understood from a young age the true meaning of responsibility.

Throughout high school and college, he found himself behaving like most young adults, following the crowd and seeking acceptance from surrounding peers. As a freshman in college, Rob was living the college dream by being away from home and attending college parties. Soon, he would be faced with tackling treatments and making routine doctor visits due to an unexpected and sudden diagnosis of cancer. He was 20 years old.

To most, fighting cancer would appear to be a setback but Rob decided to see it as a setup for something greater. After enduring nearly 6 months of intense treatments, he received the report of being completely cancer free and he continues to walk in his total healing. 

In 2012, Rob returned to college and finished what he started, earning his B.S. in business management and is now involved in public speaking, community-based activities and inspiring others to move past setbacks and develop a mindset to Win. He is an inspiration to those around him and believes that to win at life, you must first learn to Win from Within.  

Presently, he resides in Los Angeles, CA. 

Book Mention: Win from Within

Friend Rob on Facebook

Rob on Instagram

Jim Rohn: Nothing will Change Unless You Change



Dr. Damon Friedman: SOF Missions / SURRENDER Only To One

Dr. Damon Friedman is an active duty Lieutenant Colonel in the USAF Special Operations, an Iraq & Afghanistan War Veteran, and he’s on a mission from God, literally! 

He survived war only to return home with a misunderstanding of his place and purpose, until Jesus gave him his orders.


SOF Missions began in 2011 with the goal of making an atomic impact to change and transform the world. We are veterans, health care professionals, contractors, group leaders, missionaries, volunteers and everyday people—all passionate about doing what we can to make a positive difference.

Our aim is to support warriors who struggle with post-traumatic stress and provide them with the tools to overcome the negative impacts of combat.”

Dr. Friedman & SOF Missions are dedicated to renewing those broken from combat through the Love, Power and Grace of Jesus.

Join us as we discuss the Mission, the Shield of Faith and the new film: SURRENDER, only to one!

SOF Missions
Surrender, Only to One




They feel lost. They lose hope. They believe that life no longer has any meaning. The scars of war are becoming all to common for our warriors..
If That’s You, Click Here to Get Help!


Gen. David Warner: Officers Christian Fellowship

Officers Christian Fellowship Mission Statement Reads:

“OCF engages military leaders in Biblical fellowship and growth to equip them for Christlike service at the intersection of faith, family, and profession.”

Brig. Gen. David B. Warner, USAF (Ret.) joins me on the show to discuss the OCF mission as well as his personal journey of faith and how the Men and Women serving our Nation can plug into this invaluable resource.

OCF: White Sulphur Springs Conf Center

Offering a wide variety of training platforms and discipleship models OFC is committed to growing the Kingdom worldwide through targeted programs for today’s believers serving in the millitary.


OFCUSA Facebook

OCF Crosspoint Podcast

OCF IF PRoject

OCF Father/Teen Adventure

Brig. Gen. David B. Warner, USAF (Ret.), and his wife, Lori, are the Executive Director couple of Officers’ Christian Fellowship. They assumed the position in August 2010, after retiring a month earlier from the United States Air Force out of Headquarters Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. He is currently serving on the board of the Christian Service Charities, and as an advisory council mentor for Faith Comes By Hearing. David and Lori live in Monument, Colorado, and have two married daughters, Brittney (Andrew) and Ashley (Chris). In their spare time, David and Lori enjoy spending time with their four grandkids.

*special thanks to the OCF Crosspoint Podcast host, Josh Jackson for connecting Gen. Warner and I for this enlighting conversation!*

My friend Capt. Josh Byers

Cale Nelson: Listener Feedback/My Life Upside-Down

in this episode I’m going through the Mailbag and wanted to encourage you with some of the recent feedback from You the Listener as well as share a little insight on my current situation and introduce you to my Bride!

Thank you for being a part of advancing the Kingdom!




Ham Radio 360 Podcast

Rob Nelson

Simon T. Bailey

when you share with your buddies or review on your favorite podcast app-the platform grows!  Thanks for your helping in spreading the word about MCM!

Speaking of my kids and Media Ministry, here is a video the boys just created to promo our Youth Pastors ministry

Rob Nelson: Identifying and Healing Trauma

Rob Nelson has his own definition of Trauma; he call’s it ‘Life’.  Not one to be undone by old wounds Rob now ministers to those that minister in hopes of helping everyone grow past the hurts and move forward in Jesus.


  • Traumatic injury, sudden physical injury caused by an external force, which does not rise to the level of major trauma
  • Major trauma, in physical medicine, severe physical injury caused by an external source
  • Psychological trauma, a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event
    from Wikipedia

No matter who or where you are Trauma has certainly visited you.  Join Rob and I as we discuss defining our past hurts, identifying their root causes, and beginning the healing process by abiding in the love of Jesus.



Cale: A New Season

Book: A Soldiers Heart

Grace Pointe Ministries dot Org

Grace Pointe Ministries Facebook

Thanks for listening to and sharing the Modern Christian Men Podcast!

Kenny Luck: A Dangerous Good!

Kenny Luck is up to no bad, and he want’s you to come along for the ride!  Dangerous Good is where Masculinity meets Compassion and this world needs an injection of both!  Kenny is a pastor, author and men’s expert just to name a few of his titles.  He’s also a man just like you who longs to see the Kingdom here on Earth!

Join us as we discuss his new book, Dangerous Good as well as some real-life practical applications of doing more than just existing till our time expires.  Interested in making an impact in your family? community? sphere?  We’ll discuss the tools you’ll need and the encouragement to get going!

This is the message Every Modern Christian Man needs to hear, today!


Every Man Ministries

Crossline Church

Must Read: Dangerous Good

The Every Man Show

Every Man on Facebook

@everymm on Twitter



Simon T. Bailey: It’s Time to Get Better!

Simon T. Bailey has a story all his own, and it’s Brilliant!  I became aware of Simon as I was preparing to attend a conference in OH where he was a featured speaker, and I’ve been a fan since the first time I heard him laugh.  Like everyone else nowadays I spent few minutes on Youtube looking around, and I was hooked; this guy was saying something I needed to hear, and so do you!

Fast-forward about 18 months and I’m welcoming Simon to the podcast!  In our conversation, Simon digs deep and brings a challenging message to his fellow Christian men.  This is the encouraging word of hope and inspiration you’ve been looking for!


William, Cale & Simon hanging out in OH!



Visit Simon T. Bailey .com

Books from Simon T. Bailey

Pastor Tyrone Stevenson

Olive Tree Bible Software

Day One Journal App

2017 Provision Conference



Krish Dhanam: One Nation Under God, Again

In his second appearance here on the MCM podcast Krish Dhanam, a first generation immigrant, tell’s more of his story as well as defines his Love Of Country and the importance of understanding and appreciating the Heritage of Freedom enjoyed here in the States.

We hope you enjoy our timely conversation in honor of our our Nation’s Birthday.


Book: Four Great Americans

George Washington, Prayer at Valley Forge

Book:  New England Primer

Book: Sex and Culture

Book:  Deliver us from Evil

Film:  The Children Who Cheated the Nazis

Book:  The American Dream from an Indian Heart

Schedule:  Krish for your event

Link: Krish’s first appearance on MCM

Korea at Night….from: pics-about-space.com


here is Krish in a  recent live event;
filmed the same weekend this episode released

Bruce Marchiano: A Revelation of Love

Over the years I have watched Bruce Marchiano portray Jesus in countless films.  I’ll admit, I’m a huge fan of his work; and on a whim one evening I decided to try to land my ‘Favorite TV Jesus‘ as a guest on the show.  In no time we had a call scheduled and not withstanding a few derailments on my end, we were on Skype chatting away.

In this very candid interview, Bruce tells about his start in acting, portraying Jesus, his heart for  ministry, the perceived state of the Christian Worldview, and some thoughts on a fathers role at home.

I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did as we discuss a true Revelation of Love.


Bruce Marchiano:

Allison’s Choice

PureFlix-The Encounter Series

Fund the Film: Gospel According to John

Kendrick Brothers

I Can Only Imagine Film

Official Encounter Facebook Fan Group