Dr. Damon Friedman: SOF Missions / SURRENDER Only To One

Dr. Damon Friedman is an active duty Lieutenant Colonel in the USAF Special Operations, an Iraq & Afghanistan War Veteran, and he’s on a mission from God, literally! 

He survived war only to return home with a misunderstanding of his place and purpose, until Jesus gave him his orders.


SOF Missions began in 2011 with the goal of making an atomic impact to change and transform the world. We are veterans, health care professionals, contractors, group leaders, missionaries, volunteers and everyday people—all passionate about doing what we can to make a positive difference.

Our aim is to support warriors who struggle with post-traumatic stress and provide them with the tools to overcome the negative impacts of combat.”

Dr. Friedman & SOF Missions are dedicated to renewing those broken from combat through the Love, Power and Grace of Jesus.

Join us as we discuss the Mission, the Shield of Faith and the new film: SURRENDER, only to one!

SOF Missions
Surrender, Only to One




They feel lost. They lose hope. They believe that life no longer has any meaning. The scars of war are becoming all to common for our warriors..
If That’s You, Click Here to Get Help!


Rob Nelson: Identifying and Healing Trauma

Rob Nelson has his own definition of Trauma; he call’s it ‘Life’.  Not one to be undone by old wounds Rob now ministers to those that minister in hopes of helping everyone grow past the hurts and move forward in Jesus.


  • Traumatic injury, sudden physical injury caused by an external force, which does not rise to the level of major trauma
  • Major trauma, in physical medicine, severe physical injury caused by an external source
  • Psychological trauma, a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event
    from Wikipedia

No matter who or where you are Trauma has certainly visited you.  Join Rob and I as we discuss defining our past hurts, identifying their root causes, and beginning the healing process by abiding in the love of Jesus.



Cale: A New Season

Book: A Soldiers Heart

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Jared ‘Spanky’ Byers: All Things Made New pt1

I’ve known the Byers Boys since 1987.  Milam (ep 1) was the middle son and Jared, or as he was known back then-Spanky-was the baby.  Like all of us, Jared has faced some tough times as he’s progressed though his journey.

After hearing his brother on Episode 1 of MCM, he let me know he needed to come on the show to talk about how God has been working in his life from the inside out.

Little did I know to what extent Jared had been transformed.  Here’s part 1 of my conversation with Jared as we hear how all things have been made new…
